Training: Drugs Awareness Training: 1 venue remaining


Thursday 8th November from 9.30am-4.30pm in Meeting Room, Stornoway Fire Station, Robertson Road, Stornoway. All spaces allocated.

Wednesday 5th December from 9.30am-4.30pm in The Dark Island Hotel, Liniclate.

Course Overview:
Using a range of exercises, delegates are encouraged to consider why people use different drugs, the effects of these drugs, both on their own and in combination, as well as having the opportunity to explore attitudes and values around substance misuse.

By the end of the course, the participants will be able to:
* Identify why people use substances
* Name the 7 key drug categories and their key effects
* Give an overview of the most commonly used substances
* Recall current drug trends and patterns of use
* Recall the signs of problematic use

Aimed at:
* People working with drug users
* Drug workers
* Housing and homelessness workers
* Social workers
* GPs
* Nurses
* Teachers
* Mental health workers

Places on this course are limited and to book your place please contact: Donna Morrison, ADP Administrator, email:
or telephone: 01851 762022


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